A very common issue that arises with Trailmaster go karts is that a Trailmaster go kart won’t shift into gear correctly. Sometimes the shifter doesn’t go into reverse all the way; sometimes it won’t shift into forward. And even more commonly, the kart will continue to move even when it’s in neutral. All you need to do is adjust your shifter cables. This simple fix will get everything adjusted correctly so you can rely on your shifter to do what you expect it to do.

Identify your Shifter Cables
if your go kart won’t shift, you probably just need to make a quick adjustment. This basic tutorial will apply to many of the Trailmaster go kart models that have reverse on them. Whether you have a Mini, a Mid, a Blazer 200R, and 150 or a 200- this technique will allow you to adjust the shifter cables on your kart. The easiest way to know if this process will work on your kart is to identify the shifting mechanism. It will be on the side of the engine or on the rear of the gearbox.

Do you need to adjust the shifter cables?
We get calls all the time from concerned customers who think their gearbox has failed or their kart is defective because it just isn’t moving correctly. It can be a huge concern when your go kart won’t shift, and might seem like a major problem. Some of the issues that cause this concern are:
- Kart will not shift into the forward gear, but works fine in reverse.
- Kart will not shift into reverse, but works fine going forward.
- Kart makes grinding noise when the shifter is moved.
- Even when in neutral, the kart continues to move.
- Go Kart will not shift, no matter how hard the shifter knob is moved.
Because we see this so often, we know the easiest solution. There is really no need to fear-it is incredibly rare for the gearbox to be bad. In our expert experience over the past 15 years, this technique will resolve the majority of the issues listed above without putting too much money of effort in.
Follow these simple steps
The first thing to do is place the shifter in the neutral position, then identity the shifting mechanism on the engine. Inspect the cables to ensure that there is no defect or damage. If you do find that the cables or damaged, it will be important to replace the cable before attempting this repair.
No matter which model you have, you will need 2 shifter cables. Both cables are identical. You can purchase the cables at GoKartMasters.com. If you aren’t exactly sure which model you have, you can visit here to get help identifying your kart so you can be sure to purchase the correct parts.
Test and Adjust Again if Necessary
Once you have working cables on your kart, the adjustment process is simple. On whichever cables you need to adjust, loosen the top nut with a 12mm wrench. Once it is loose and allows for movement, turn the lower nut about 1/4 of an inch to allow the cable to move through the bracket. Pull the cable snugly against the bracket and tighten the top nut back down. You will have to crank the kart and check how it shifts to make sure this adjustment worked. You may need to repeat the process a few times to get it just right.
More Trailmaster Tutorials
You can watch our Go Kart Masters Academy expert adjust the cables in the video below!

Now that you’ve learned from the experts how to perform this easy repair, do you have any questions? Check out our Youtube Channel for more tutorials, tips and tricks about your Trailmaster Go Kart. You can find all your Trailmaster Go Kart Parts at GoKartMasters.com.