Are you the proud owner of a Trailmaster Mini Plus Go Kart? If so, you should be performing regular preventive maintenance on your kart. There are many parts on your go kart that require being changed or serviced on a regular basis due to normal wear and tear. At some point in your ownership career, you will need to bleed the brakes on your mini plus kart.

Preventive Maintenance on your Mini Plus Go Kart
Preventive maintenance includes tasks you perform on your kart to avoid major issues. Based on our extensive research and development, plus our vast knowledge base, we have determined the proper tasks and procedures that you should perform to precent catastrophic failure of the components on your kart.

On a Mini Plus go kart, some of the preventive maintenance tasks will include changing the oil filter, air filter, and oil; replacing the spark plug; lubricating the chains; monitoring tire pressure; replacing brake components; replacing sprockets; replacing fuel filters, fuel lines, and valves; replacing cables, and more.
There is a different schedule for each of these items. For example, you’ll change your brake pads as needed. Or you may replace a brake caliper due to damage. Oil changes should be done every 10-15 hours of ride time. Chains should be lubricated and adjusted every couple of hours.
Breaking Down the Braking System on your Mini Plus- Pun intended
The braking system on your Mini go kart is essential to keep your little driver safe. There are 8 major components to your braking system:

- Brake Pedal
- Brake cable
- Master Cylinder
- Brake Hose
- Brake Caliper
- Brake Pads
- Brake Fluid
- Brake Disc
It is of the utmost important to monitor the condition of each component to ensure your kart will stop will you need it to!
Identify your Go Kart- Do you even have a Mini Plus (+)
But maybe you aren’t sure if you even need to do this. Do you have a Trailmaster Mini Plus model kart? If you have a non-plus (or standard) model, then your brake caliper is operated by a cable only. You don’t have hydraulic brakes, so there’s nothing to bleed.
If you are not sure how to identify your model, use the flow chart below.

Essentially, you can know that you have a Mini Plus (+) if your kart is very small, doesn’t have fenders, and has 16″ rear tires. You can also look just inside the driver’s side rear tire to see if there is a master cylinder. If you have a master cylinder, you have hydraulic brakes. If you have hydraulic brakes, you will need to bleed the system at some point.
When to Bleed your Brakes
Keep in mind, you don’t need to regularly bleed that brakes- it’s a task you’ll perform if you either have issues with your braking system, or if you replace the caliper, master cylinder or brake hose.

Service bulletins are an excellent way for Trailmaster Go Karts master technicians to teach you how to perform the important maintenance tasks on your kart. Read the Bleeding Your Brakes bulletin and follow the instructions any time you need to replace a component of the braking system.
The Official Service Bulletin
It’s important to follow each step in the bulletin to make sure you have success.