Trailmaster Mini XRX+ frame parts and steering components-the elusive parts that keep your fun going. Are you having a hard time finding the parts you need? Look no further. We have a clear break down of the frame and steering with links to the available parts.

If you find an item on this list without a link to purchase, please email [email protected] and request that they add it to their offerings.

Identify your Go Kart Model
Before you shop for parts, make sure you identify your model. These listings are specifically for a Trailmaster Mini XRX+. Although many of the parts overlap between models, this article does not list focus on the standard model (without the plus), or on models with reverse.
In order for all of these parts to fit your kart, you must have ALL of these features:
-Trailmaster brand go kart
-5.5hp engine with electric start
-no fenders on your kart
-16″ rear tires with V tread

Check our Frame Parts for a Trailmaster Mini XRX+
Trailmaster Mini XRX+ (Plus) Parts Manual
Most Common Parts
Key Switch | 6.000.165 | |
Air Filter | ZJ168FJH.07.01.01 | |
Upper Chain420 gauge | 14-1103-00 | |
Lower ChainDoes NOT fit models with reverse | 9.070.004 | |
Spark Plug | QJ1E50FMG.1.2 | |
13 Tooth Sprocket | 008-13-06B | |
Headlight Kit | ||
Frame Parts
3- Custom J Bar- Driver’s Side/Left
5- Custom Cross Bar/ I-Bar
6- Main Roll Cage Bar
7- Rear Cross Bar
10- Trailmaster Main Frame Base
11- Bolt M8x16mm
12- M8 Nut
13- Horn (Requires 2 per kart)
15- Steering Shaft Bushing-nylon
18- Bar Covers (over foam)
22-24 Flag pole
26- M6x16mm bolt
27- M6 nut
28- Rear Frame Rack
29-Rear Frame Rack Support Bar
30-M8x16mm Bolt
Steering Components
2- Steering Wheel Bolt Nuts
4- Steering Shaft
5- Steering Wheel Bolts
7-10 Steering Gear components
11- Ball Joint
12- Ball Joint Nut
13- Tie Rod
14- Rod End Nut
15- Tie Rod End
16- Tie Rod Assembly
19- Steering Joint
20- M6 x 20mm Bolt
21- Steering Boot
22- M10 Lock Nut
23- Steering Gear Bracket
24- M8 Nut
25- Throttle Pedal Pad
26- Brake Pedal Pad
27- M8x16mm Bolt
28- Throttle Pedal
29- Roll Pin
30-Throttle Pedal Return Spring
31- Brake Pedal Return Springs
32- Pedal Bushing
33- Brake Pedal
34-Pedal Bolt
35- Roll Pin
36- M5x12mm
37- Bracket
38- Rubber Stopper
39- Governor Bolt
41- M6 x 20mm
42- M6 washer
43- M6 nut
Get all your Trailmaster Parts from
Enjoy your Trailmaster Mini XRX go kart by keeping the correct parts installed. Don’t mess with the hassle of trying to figure out other websites that don’t give you all he details you need. Use this parts manual to find your frame and steering parts, or request new parts listings for hard to find parts.